Three for Three
by: gbanas92
Places for People Volume 3 by Places for People
Three releases in, we’re absolutely sold on Places for People. Volume three offers an extravagant, energetic combination of the muddier gentle side of mallsoft, with the cleaner, more sterile presentation of muzakcore. While the product paints a wondrous picture when viewed as a whole, it is perhaps more noteworthy, that when whittling the album down to individual tracks, each offers a strong individual memory. While mallsoft can often turn into a sort of “sonic wallpaper,” Places for People excels at keeping your ears as well your mind front and center on the melodies they want to show you.
by Smeared Lipstick
An absolute masterclass in lo-fi perfection. Starting with a low thrum of heavily decayed piano, sophomore offers up an impeccable twenty-minute excursion into a half-remembered dream. With the occasional unexpected jolt from your reverie, things come into better focus and clarity for a moment, before fading back into a murky ocean of swirling sound. And just as you finally start getting comfortable with the rhythm, that’s it; it’s over. Now it’s time to ask yourself an important question: Go do something else, or turn back over to side A and start again? The choice seems obvious.
3 Day Rental
by Origami Vato
If you’re old enough to remember Blockbuster Video as a place worth visiting, and more than just a mere punchline this is one you don’t want to miss! Making the most of commercials and melodies you might even remember from having stepped foot in a Blockbuster, 3 Day Rental offers a great example of what happens when you mix the real nostalgia of a chain like Blockbuster with snippets of movies you recognize, as well a nice little dose of that artificial nostalgia some corners of vaporwave are able to craft. The results are downright magical.